¡Salud! Services COVID-19 Clinics
¡Salud! Services brings no-cost COVID-19 screening, education and follow-up care to some of the hardest hit by the pandemic
Since May 7, ¡Salud! has screened more than 1000 patients for COVID-19 with bilingual, bicultural care delivered directly to the worksites for vineyard workers, or available via drive-through clinics for family members.
This community health project is funded 100% by philanthropy, and guided by OHSU Health Hillsboro Medical Center (formerly Tuality Healthcare) and the Washington County Health Department.

Higher rate of COVID-19 in Hispanic/LatinX population
Independent analysis by OHSU Health Hillsboro Medical Center and Washington County Department of Health shows a disproportionate prevalence of COVID-19 in those reporting Hispanic/LatinX ethnicity, and a higher number of cases occurring in Washington County. In Washington County, where Latinos make up only 16% of the county population, half the people who have come down with the contagious virus are Latinos.
We’ve heard directly from many workers that wineries and vineyard managers are doing an incredible job of putting people first while vineyard work continues. Social distancing, an abundance of hand washing stations, and masking are all part of the new normal in agriculture. Oregon wine has always taken care of their own, and we are seeing it now more than ever in the face of a pandemic.
However, we are seeing a 3.4% positive rate in those we have tested, and have been working with patients daily to help manage care and quarantine. Vineyard workers often live in close quarters with other family members, making isolation more challenging, and chances of spreading the virus, symptoms or not, more likely.
As work continues, and with added barriers to care, language, insurance, transportation, we feel it is important to take proactive steps to counteract the trend we are seeing.
¡Salud! Services COVID-19 Clinics
Beginning in early May, ¡Salud! Services COVID-19 clinics are planned two to three times a week throughout the summer into early fall at locations throughout the Willamette Valley. All clinics are held outside, and by appointment to adhere to social distancing guidelines at all times. Additional weekend, drive-through clinics have also been added to accommodate family members.
Services available during clinics via appointment:
- COVID-19 screening, free to vineyard workers with results in 48 hours
- Temperature check
- Update and education on COVID-19 (in Spanish and English)
- Preventative health messaging
- Health assessments focused on history, vitals, and physical exam
- Routine lab testing (lipid panel, blood sugar, A1C) to determine any underlying conditions that put patients at increased risk if exposed to COVID-19
- Referrals to Federally Qualified Health Center or emergency departments (for acute cases requiring immediate care)
Screening results, case management and follow-up care is provided by the ¡Salud! Services team, employees of OHSU Health Tuality Healthcare (formerly Tuality Healthcare) to help walk patients through the process of diagnosis, treatment and safe recovery if needed. Resources are also provided to employers about how to appropriately work with any exposed employees.